Piggydb Crack [Mac/Win] Piggydb is a Java-based software application designed specifically for helping you organize interrelated and textual content into in a virtual working environment. You can use this program as an outliner, diary or notebook. Portable running mode The tool comes in a lightweight and portable package which can be deployed on your system on the fly. The best part about it is that you don’t need to go through an installation process as you can directly run the utility on the target computer. The portable mode brings some advantages to your computer. The app doesn’t leave any entries in the Windows registry and store configuration data. You can also copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices and take it with out. Web-driven interface Piggydb can be controlled via your preferred web browser, be it Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer or another one. It delivers a clean interface where you can keep track of your information with the aid of multiple fragments. Additionally, you may create relationships between the generated fragments. Create a new fragment Piggydb helps you store data on an online platform and insert multiple fragments for organizing your pieces of information. A new fragment can be easily created by providing the title, adding a tag, and writing a user-defined message right in the dedicated panel. You can also paste the text from other third-party tools, preview the fragment before adding it to the database, as well as alter the text in terms of bold, italic or strike-through options, insert links, enter the fragment ID, add a custom file from your computer, and embed the quote symbol. A new fragment can also consist of a single document imported from your system. Managing fragments, searches and filters The application allows you to create relationships between fragments using the drag-and-drop support, preview the content of a fragment in a new HTML webpage, edit or bookmark the fragment, as well as tag fragments as trash or add them to the homepage, and select multiple fragments at the same time. The viewing mode can also tweaked using the built-in slider which allows you to hide or show details about your registered fragments. Plus, you can make the tool shuffle the notes, sort them in an ascending or descending order, or filter data by update or creation date, ID, title, creator or updater. Several configuration settings to play with Piggydb lets you change the current password, export the current database to a file for making sure Piggydb Crack+ Free Download For Windows 1a423ce670 Piggydb [32|64bit] [Updated-2022] Piggydb is a Java-based software application designed specifically for helping you organize interrelated and textual content into in a virtual working environment. You can use this program as an outliner, diary or notebook. Portable running mode The tool comes in a lightweight and portable package which can be deployed on your system on the fly. The best part about it is that you don’t need to go through an installation process as you can directly run the utility on the target computer. The portable mode brings some advantages to your computer. The app doesn’t leave any entries in the Windows registry and store configuration data. You can also copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices and take it with out. Web-driven interface Piggydb can be controlled via your preferred web browser, be it Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer or another one. It delivers a clean interface where you can keep track of your information with the aid of multiple fragments. Additionally, you may create relationships between the generated fragments. Create a new fragment Piggydb helps you store data on an online platform and insert multiple fragments for organizing your pieces of information. A new fragment can be easily created by providing the title, adding a tag, and writing a user-defined message right in the dedicated panel. You can also paste the text from other third-party tools, preview the fragment before adding it to the database, as well as alter the text in terms of bold, italic or strike-through options, insert links, enter the fragment ID, add a custom file from your computer, and embed the quote symbol. A new fragment can also consist of a single document imported from your system. Managing fragments, searches and filters The application allows you to create relationships between fragments using the drag-and-drop support, preview the content of a fragment in a new HTML webpage, edit or bookmark the fragment, as well as tag fragments as trash or add them to the homepage, and select multiple fragments at the same time. The viewing mode can also tweaked using the built-in slider which allows you to hide or show details about your registered fragments. Plus, you can make the tool shuffle the notes, sort them in an ascending or descending order, or filter data by update or creation date, ID, title, creator or updater. Several configuration settings to play with Piggydb lets you change the current password, export the current database to a file for making sure What's New in the? System Requirements For Piggydb: Pentium III 512 MB RAM 1024 x 640 display 30 MB of available hard disk space Apple //, PowerPC G3 or later. 1 GB RAM 1024 x 600 display Original monitor driver Driver Package Manager Mac OS X v10.2.2 or later Mac OS X v10.3 or later Mac OS X v10.4 or later
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